
All information and materials contained within this website are provided “as is”. No warranty of any kind is implied or expressed.

Our company, and all subsidiary and related companies disclaims any warranty, either implied or express. This includes, but is not limited to:

Note that it is your responsibility to determine the usefulness, accuracy and completeness of any information, services, opinions or other information provided. Information contained on all pages within this website is explicitly distributed with the understanding that all parties involved (authors, distributors, etc.) are not providing any form of professional, legal or accounting advice, nor are they providing opinions on specific facts or situations. Due to this, no liability will be assumed in connection with the use of this information.

It is advised that you consult your own legal/tax advisor for guidance on your personal situation. In no event will our company or any related firm or subsidiary be hld liable for direct, indirect, incidental or any other form of damage stemming from use of information found/accessed within this website.

Copyright Information
Unless specifically stated otherwise, all images, text and other elements found within this website are the explicit property of our company, and/or its subsidiaries, or partners. It may not be copied in any way, in whole or in part without express written consent. WE grant permission to print and display this document for personal and internal use only. All company logos are the property of their respective owners (insurance companies). These are used only with their permission.

Data Protection
We are not obligated to monitor any data transmitted to or from our website. However, we do have the right to monitor all transmissions, whether that right is exercised or not. Any information gathered from the website may be used or disclosed as we see fit.

Our Intended Audience
Note that our website is designed for some, but not all US residents. It is not suitable for residents of any nation outside the US. Information provided by insurance companies and displayed within our website is strictly for use by residents of the US, as well as residents of specific states within the US. We will not seek applications, or accept applications, from any insurance company attempting to market products in a state where they do not hold a valid license. Note that some products may be unavailable in some states


Note that policies are not available in all states. Some restrictions and exclusions do apply. All applications are subject to the unique qualification process of the specific insurer in question. Premium rate and policies may vary in availability, and insurers have the right to make changes with no notice provided.

Our Corporate Office:
1995 N Park Pl SE
Suite 310J
Atlanta, GA 30339

We’ve helped thousands of people save money, time and hassle while securing the protection they need from trusted insurers. We give you the ability to quickly make accurate side-by-side comparisons, and choose a policy based on coverage, cost and other benefits.